Reunion Tour

February 9, 2009

First off, I’ll bitch about the Grammys. I didn’t watch the Grammys this year, because I knew, like every other year, it would be a waste of time. I’ve come to realize that trying to give awards for something as subjective as music, or any art really, is pretty pointless. Maynard James Keenan (you have to say all three of his names or it doesn’t work) of Tool said:

“I think the Grammys are nothing more than some gigantic promotional machine for the music industry. They cater to a low intellect and they feed the masses. They don’t honor the arts or the artist for what he created. It’s the music business celebrating itself. That’s basically what it’s all about.”

I think that’s pretty fair, judging by the majority of results in the duration of the awards. Plus, how is it possible to objectively determine the BEST album of the year? It really isn’t, and I think we should just ignore them as they’re really just a superficial thing that really shouldn’t influence our musical choices. At least until I win one, that is.

Anyway, I wouldn’t even be talking about these awards if it wasn’t for another event that happened during the broadcast. That would be the reunion of good ol’ Blink-182. This was a two-fold happiness for me, as it presents the possibility of Angels and Airwaves being put on hiatus (hopefully permanently) and also gives the potential for another solid fun pop-punk album from the guys who used to do it so well. Now I’m hoping to god we don’t get another self-titled mess like their final album before the hiatus, which was just unpleasant. I’m holding out for another Dude Ranch, or even something like Enema of the State. The lyrics don’t even have to be about stupid things like poo and sex (though it would be nice…) but at least bring back that great attitude that was present on those earlier albums.

So cross your fingers and pray we get a good reunion tour out of this. Hopefully Tom will have learned to play guitar and sing at the same time by now.